Book Review – Search The Scriptures

Search The Scriptures
Search The Scriptures

Search the Scriptures by Alan M. Stibbs is a one size fits all Bible study course.

If you’re looking for a tool to enrich and recharge you devotions, or need a study to disciple a new believer or a group study, perhaps you want to study the Gospels or the book of Revelation, maybe just the Psalms, this study is the study for you.

Originally, issued in 1934, this book was intended to assist Bible college students with a systematic plan of studying the Bible. Through the years it has become popular among lay people as well.

The aim of the course is to be a useful tool for Christians of any age in their study of the Word of God. Each lesson plan is set up to read approximately twenty or so scriptures, followed by questions that are, by no means, fill in the blank, but rather, to provoke an inductive approach by the reader as they encounter God’s Word. The flexibility of the lessons allows you to customize the study to fit your time allotment and if need be, adjust the pace of the lessons.

Our women’s study group started this book over a year ago. So far, we have journeyed through Luke’s account of Jesus’ conception, His birth, His ministry around the region of Galilee . We delved below the surface as we examined the passages of Jesus’ calling of His disciples, raised the widow of Nain’s son from the dead and calmed a devilish storm, to name a few. At times we slowed the study down while we camped out to dig deeper into the parables of the Four Soils and the Lamp Stand. We mulled over every detail, extracting and discussing nuggets of each discovery.

The unique quality of Search the Scriptures is its flexibility to accommodate a seasoned as well as a new believer. Anyone can jump into the study at any given time and not feel lost. The fundamental purpose of the book is to get Christians into the Word of God, grounding them in truth so that they will mature in their faith.

For the price of around twenty-dollars, you get a three-year course of study from Genesis to Revelation.

We carry the book in our bookstore; you can also purchase it on Amazon. It is well worth your investment.